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Tribunali e Corti internazionali 
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Centro Studi per la Pace


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Corti e Tribunali internazionali

vai Corte penale internazionale (ICC - CPI) (en)
    Lo Statuto delle Corte di Roma, adottato il 17 luglio 1998, è entrato in vigore il 1° luglio 2002 quando, come previsto dall’art. 26 dello stesso, è stato raggiunto il numero delle 60 ratifiche necessarie per la sua entrata in vigore. Al 12 febbraio 2003 139 Stati hanno firmato lo Statuto e 87 Stati lo hanno anche ratificato. La Corte avrà l'incarico di giudicare i crimini contro l'umanità, i crimini di guerra e i genocidi, in qualunque posto e in qualunque momento siano stati commessi. Vi potranno adire il Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni unite, ogni stato firmatario del trattato o il procuratore incaricato di raccogliere le testimonianze e le informazioni. In questi ultimi due casi potranno essere messi sotto accusa solo cittadini di stati che hanno accettato la competenza della Corte o che hanno commesso reati in uno dei paesi firmatari. La Corte non interverrà che nel caso in cui la giustizia del paese interessato non possa svolgersi correttamente. A titolo transitorio, i paesi hanno la facoltà, per sette anni, di non riconoscere la competenza della Corte per i crimini di guerra.
vai European Court of Human Rights (en)
    La Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo, costituita nell'ambito del Consiglio d'Europa, veglia sul rispetto della Convenzione europea di salvaguardia dei diritti dell'uomo e delle libertà fondamentali. Giudica le violazioni di questo trattato e vi possono adire gli stati firmatari e gli individui. Ha sede a Strasburgo.
vai International Court of Justice (ICJ) (en)
    The International Court of Justice, which has its seat in The Hague, is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations and one of the six major organs of the United Nations. The Court, in existence since 1946, serves as the successor to the Permanent Court of International Justice established by the League of Nations and derives its mandate from a Statute which forms an integral part of the Charter of the United Nations. The Court has two functions: to render judgments on disputes submitted to it by States and to furnish advisory opinions on questions referred to it by authorized bodies. ICJ decisions, which are issued in the series Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders and assigned ICJ sales number, first appear as separate documents and are later published in annual compilations. Information about ICJ actions (either as a full case overview or a summary of judgments and orders) has been posted on the Court's homepage (1946 onwards).
vai Tribunale penale internazionale per l'ex-Yugoslavia (ICTY) (en)
    The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, located in The Hague (Netherlands), was established by Security Council resolution 827 on 25 May 1993. The ICTY is mandated to prosecute persons responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law committed on the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991. The Statute defines the Tribunal’s authority to prosecute four clusters of offences: - Grave breaches of the 1949 Geneva Conventions (Article 2); - Violations of the laws or customs of war (Article 3); - Genocide (Article 4); - Crimes against humanity (Article 5).
vai Tribunale penale internazionale per il Ruanda (ICTR/TPIR) (en)
    The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), located in in Arusha (Tanzania) was established by Security Council resolution 955 of 8 November 1994 for the prosecution of persons responsible for genocide and other serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of Rwanda between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994. It may also deal with the prosecution of Rwandan citizens charged with such crimes committed in the territory of neighbouring states during the same period.
vai The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) (en)
    La Commissione di Verità e Riconciliazione del Sud Africa, istituita nel 1995 con l’adozione, da parte del Parlamento sudafricano, del Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act (N. 34 of 1995), ha iniziato i lavori nel gennaio 1996. Composta da tre sottocommissioni (Amnesty Committee, Reparation and Rehabilitation Committee, Human Rights Violations Committee), ha l’obbiettivo di indagare, soprattutto attraverso il racconto delle vittime e le confessioni degli autori dei crimini, sulle violazioni gravi dei diritti umani che rientrano nella sua competenza e che sono stati commessi in Sud Africa fra il 1960 e il 1994 con finalità politiche, ovvero nel quadro della lotta fra chi sosteneva e che si opponeva al regime segregazionista di apartheid. La Commissione ha il potere di concedere l’amnistia agli autori dei crimini internazionali che rientrano nella sua competenza e che abbiano liberamente scelto di confessare in maniera veritiera e dettagliata i fatti oggetto del crimine e il contesto in cui esso fu commesso. Essa ha infine il potere di determinare l’ammontare, la forma e il tipo di riparazione ed indennizzo spettante a chi viene riconosciuto essere vittima dei crimini oggetto della competenza della Commissione.

[Vai alla sezione Giurisdizioni sovranazionali Panoramica sulle Giurisdizioni Sovranazionali]


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Istituzioni nazionali ed internazionali

vai Council of Europe (COE) (en, fr)

    The Council of Europe is an intergovernmental organisation which aims:to protect human rights, pluralist democracy and the rule of law; to promote awareness and encourage the development of Europe’s cultural identity and diversity ; to seek solutions to problems facing European society (discrimination against minorities, xenophobia, intolerance, environmental protection, human cloning, Aids, drugs, organised crime, etc.); to help consolidate democratic stability in Europe by backing political, legislative and constitutional reform.
    On the portal of the Council of Europe: the Venice Commission and a data base of European Treaties.
vai European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (en, fr)
    In recent years the Council of Europe's efforts to guarantee human rights have laid increasing emphasis on preventing violations. Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights provides that "No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment". The idea behind the drafting of the 1987 European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment was to prevent such ill-treatment of people deprived of their liberty. The Convention provides non-judicial preventive machinery to protect detainees. It is based on a system of visits by members of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT). The Secretariat of the CPT forms part of the Council of Europe's Directorate of Human Rights.
vai Human Rights Policy Department (HRPD) (en)
    The Human Rights Policy Department (HRPD) of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in Britain (FCO) is the central point of advice and expertise on human rights in the FCO and leads on thematic human rights issues. We advise on general principles and the consistency of approach throughout the work of the FCO.The FCO mission statement says: "We shall work through international forums and bilateral relationships to spread the values of human rights, civil liberties and democracy which we demand for ourselves."
vai Ministero degli Affari Esteri - Politica estera
    Sulla pagine del ministero italiano, alla voce "Affari Politici Multilaterali e Diritti umani" si possono trovare utili informazioni sulla partecipazione italiana a missioni di pace delle Nazioni Unite, sia dal punto di vista militare che economico, che sulla partecipazione alle cd. forze multinazionali.
vai Nazioni Unite (ONU) (it)
    L'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite (ONU) nasce con la conferenza di San Francisco, convocata il 25 aprile 1945 dagli stati vincitori della seconda guerra mondiale. Il testo dello statuto è stato firmato il 26 giugno dello stesso anno e prevede, tra le sue finalità, il mantenimento della pace e della sicurezza internazionale, il conseguimento del progresso economico, sociale culturale e umanitario, nonché la diffusione della tutela dei diritti e libertà fondamentali senza distinzione di razza, sesso, lingua o religione. Secondo l'articolo 4 dello Statuto possono diventare membri tutti gli stati "amanti della pace" che accettino gli impegni derivanti dallo Statuto. In questo senso l'Organizzazione promuove e sostiene le cd. Peacekeeping Operations. Si veda anche il Peacekeeping Operations gopher,le Security Council Resolutions e la UN treaty collection (siti in inglese).
vai North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (en)
    L'Organizzazione del patto del nord Atlantico è stato costituita con la firma del cd.Patto Atlantico a Washington nel 1949. Il Patto, a carattere regionale, comporta la difesa degli aderenti dalle aggressioni esterne: la sua caratteristica dominante sta dunque negli impegni militari.
vai Organization of African Unity (OAU) (en, fr)
    The Organization of African Unity was established on May 25, 1963, at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the Charter of the Organization was signed on that occasion by Heads of State and Government of 32 independent African States. Its purposes are to promote the unity and solidarity of the African States; defend the sovereignty of members; eradicate all forms of colonialism; promote international cooperation having due regard for the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; coordinate and harmonize Member States economic, diplomatic, educational, health, welfare, scientific and defense policies.
vai Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) (en)
    The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe is a security organization whose 55 participating States span the geographical area from Vancouver to Vladivostok. In its region it is the primary instrument for early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation.The OSCE approach to security is comprehensive and co-operative. It deals with a wide range of security issues, including arms control, preventive diplomacy, confidence- and security-building measures, human rights, election monitoring and economic and environmental security. Because decisions are made on the basis of consensus all states participating in OSCE activities have an equal status.The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights is the principal OSCE institution responsible for promoting progress in the Human Dimension, strengthening democratic structures, and advancing human rights.
vai United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (en)
    UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, was established on 16th of November 1945. Its constitution was adopted by the London Conference in November 1945, and entered into effect on the 4th of November 1946 when 20 states had deposited instruments of acceptance. It currently has 188 Member States (as of 19 October 1999). The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, by the Charter of the United Nations.
vai United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) (en)
    "...L'Assemblea Generale proclama la presente dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani come ideale comune da raggiungersi da tutti i popoli e da tutte le Nazioni, al fine che ogni individuo ed ogni organo della società, avendo costantemente presente questa Dichiarazione, si sforzi di promuovere, con l'insegnamento e l'educazione, il rispetto di questi diritti e di queste libertà e di garantirne, mediante misure progressive di carattere nazionale e internazionale, l'universale ed effettivo riconoscimento e rispetto tanto fra i popoli degli stessi Stati membri, quanto fra quelli dei territori sottoposti alla loro giurisdizione..."
vai United Nation Commitee against torture (en)
    The Committee against Torture was established pursuant to article 17 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (adopted 10 December 1984 by the General Assembly of the United Nationsentered into force on 26 June 1987 and began to function on 1 January 1988). The Committee consists of 10 experts of high moral standing and recognized competence in the field of human rights. The experts, who must be nationals of States Parties, are elected by those States by secret ballot. They are elected for a term of four years and are eligible for re-election.
vai United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
    The proposal to create an international institute for disarmament research was put forward by France at the First Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly devoted to disarmament in 1978. The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research started work on 1 October 1980. The statute of UNIDIR was approved by the General Assembly in December 1984 and became effective on 1 January 1985. In 1990, on the occasion of the of UNIDIR's Tenth Anniversary, the Assembly reiterated the international community's need for access to independent and in-depth research on disarmament, in particular on emerging problems and the foreseeable consequences of disarmament.
vai U.S. Department of State - Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (en)
    The Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Affairs (DRL) is one of the four bureaus that comprise the Office of the Under Secretary for Global Affairs. DRL's wide range of responsibilities include promoting democracy worldwide, formulating U.S. human rights policies, and coordinating policy in human rights-related labor issues.
    See also the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, submitted annually by the U.S. Department of State to the U.S. Congress. The reports cover internationally recognized individual, civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
vai European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)
    The European Commission for Democracy through Law, better known as the Venice Commission (and hereafter called the Commission), is a partial agreement of the Council of Europe, which means that only Council of Europe member states that have acceded to the agreement take part in its activities and contribute to its budget. Its statute was adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 10 March 1990. The Venice Commission is composed of "independent experts who have achieved international fame through their experience in democratic institutions or by their contribution to the enhancement of law and political science".
    The Commission is concerned with: *Constitutional assistance; *"Transnational" topics; *Co-operation with constitutional courts, and is therefore helping to ensure that the third millennium will be the one in which democracy, human rights and the rule of law are recognised throughout Europe.
vai Western European Union (WEU) (en) (fr)
    The WEU brings together round the same table 21 nations that are also members of the European Union and / or NATO and 7 Central European countries which are closely involved in the work of the Organization.WEU's role and operational capabilities have developed considerably since 1991. This development is based on close cooperation with the European Union and NATO. Today, WEU has the necessary instruments to undertake any European-led crisis management operations and is working to develop them further as preparation for the establishment within the European Union of a crisis management capability in accordance with the decisions taken at the Cologne European Council in June 1999.


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Pe@ce Research:

vai Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kriegsursachenforschung (de)

    Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kriegsursachenforschung (AKUF) informiert Sie auf dieser Website umfassend über das weltweite Kriegsgeschehen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Hier finden Sie aktuelle Kurzanalysen zum Kriegsgeschehen 1999, 1998 und 1997, Daten und Analysen aus der AKUF-Kriegedatenbank zu allen Kriegen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, Links zu relevanten Informationsquellen, Datenbanken, Projekten und Forschungseinrichtungen sowie eine Auswahl der Publikationen unserer MitarbeiterInnen.
vai Albert Einstein Institution
    The mission of the Albert Einstein Institution is to advance the worldwide study and strategic use of nonviolent action in conflict. The Institution is committed to: - defending democratic freedoms and institutions - opposing oppression, dictatorship, and genocide, and reducing reliance on violence as an instrument of policy. This mission is pursued in three ways, by: - encouraging research and policy studies on the methods of nonviolent action and their past use in diverse conflicts - sharing the results of this research with the public through publications, conferences, and the media, and - consulting with groups in conflict about the strategic potential of nonviolent action.
vai Asser Institute (en)
    The T.M.C. Asser Institute was founded in 1965 by the Dutch universities which offer courses in international law in order to promote education and research in the fields of law in which the Institute specialises: - Private International Law; - Public International Law, including the law of international organisations; - International Commercial Arbitration, and - Law of the European Union.
vai Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR or SFK) (en)
    The Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution aims to contribute to peace and peaceful conflict resolution and to the promotion of practical ideas for peace, including its developmental and environmental aspects. To further help advance its goals, ASPR established in 1988 the European University Center for Peace Studies (EPU), an NGO with Unesco status. The EPU concentrates on university-level programmes and courses in peace research and peace education designed mainly for post-graduate students who aspire to or have started careers in such fields as science, education, government, culture, economics and international management.
vai Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management (en)
    The work of the Berghof Center for Constructive Conflict Management is aimed at identifying constructive procedures and models for dealing with ethnopolitical and sociocultural conflicts in Europe, and at supporting the practical application of such methods. The constructive aspect is emphasized to highlight conflicts being an important and necessary component of social change in all European societies. The challenge therefore lies not in containing them, but in dealing with them constructively. Within these processes of change, the goal must be to reduce violence and promote social justice.
vai Bonn International Center for Conversion (en) (BICC)
    The BICC is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and facilitating the processes whereby people, skills, technology, equipment, and financial and economic resources can be shifted away from the defense sector and applied to alternative civilian uses. Through research and analysis, technical assistance and advice, retraining programs, publications, and conferences, BICC’s international staff supports government and non-governmental initiatives as well as public and private sector organizations by finding ways to reduce costs and enhance effectiveness in the draw-down of military-related activities. In its efforts, BICC contributes to disarmament, demilitarization, peace-building, post-conflict rehabilitation and human development.
vai Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP)
    Through writing, public and media appearances, study groups, and conferences, Carnegie associates seek to invigorate and extend both expert and public discussion on a wide range of international issues. These include worldwide migration, nuclear non-proliferation, economic reform and inequality, regional conflicts, multilateralism, democracy-building, and the use of force. The Endowment also engages in and encourages projects designed to foster innovative contributions in international affairs.
vai Caucasian Institute for Peace Democracy and Development (CIPDD)
    The Caucasian Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development (CIPDD) was founded in August 1992 in Tbilisi, the capital of the Republic of Georgia. It is a non-governmental, non-profit organization involved in research, publishing and various other activities. Its main objectives are to promote democratic and free-market values, to publicize the major achievements of Western democratic thought, and to encourage a non-partisan theoretical analysis of the problems of the post-communist transition process in Georgia and the Caucasus region.
vai Center for International Development and Conflict Management (CICDM) (en)
    The Center for International Development and Conflict Management (CIDCM) is an inter-disciplinary research and training center dedicated to a civil society built on a foundation of sustainable peace, social justice, equitable human development, and ethics. The Center's scholars, doctoral and post-doctoral fellows, and student interns focus on all aspects of the conflict process -- from root causes to its dynamics, termination and enduring legacies.
vai Center for peace and conflict studies (US, en)
    The Center for Peace and Conflict Studies was established at Wayne State University in 1965 to sponsor programs, activities, and publications in areas of scholarship related to peace, war, social justice, arms control, global issues, and conflict resolution. The Center enjoys a national reputation as a principal innovator in the field of dispute resolution studies and research.
vai Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research (en)
    The Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research, founded in 1986, is based at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. It is an independent academic institution doing research and teaching in the fields of national and international security policy and conflict analysis. In its organizational structure, the Center is arranged around three academic groups, focusing on different fields of research: 1) a research team for Swiss security policy, working on conceptual and practical questions relevant to the security of the nation; 2) a research team for international relations, dealing with global security issues, transatlantic relations and the European integration process; 3) and a research team for conflict research, focusing on basic issues of peace and war as well as on environmentally induced conflicts and their resolution.
vai Center for Systemic Peace (en)
    The Center for Systemic Peace is engaged in innovative research on the problem of political violence within the structural context of the dynamic global system. The Center supports scientific research in many issue areas related to the fundamental problems of violence in both human relations and society and the possibilities of complex systemic management of all manner of societal conflicts.
vai Centro di Ricerche Etnico Politiche Internazionali
    Il Centro di Ricerche Etnico Politiche Internazionali è un'associazione senza fini di lucro che persegue finalità di carattere scientifico, culturale e promozionale su temi etnici, politici, sociali e d'economia. Attualmente dispone di due uffici situati a Roma e Trieste. Nel corso della propria attività, si è dedicato in particolare allo studio della questione israelo palestinese e dei conflitti esplosi nell'area balcanica, allargando tuttavia sempre più i propri ambiti di ricerca in conseguenza dell'ampliarsi del nuovo disordine mondiale.
vai Centro di Studi e di Formazione sui Diritti della Persona e dei Popoli
    Gli obiettivi del Centro, struttura dell' Università di Padova, sono: a) contribuire a costruire una «conoscenza» interdisciplinare dei diritti umani («le savoir des droits umains»); b) diffondere i contenuti, sia teorici che operativi, di tale conoscenza; c) educare affinché la conoscenza dei diritti umani diventi parte integrante della vita sociale e politica.
vai Centro de Investigacion para la Paz (CIP) (esp)
    Información y análisis sobre países y regiones del mundo afectados por enfrentamientos armados.
vai Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerche sulla Pace (CIRP)
    Il Centro interdipartimentale di Ricerche sulla Pace -Universita' degli Studi di Bari- ha lo scopo di: 1) promuovere e coordinare studi e ricerche di base finalizzate e connesse ai problemi della Pace; 2) promuovere iniziative didattiche sulle tematiche della pace, con particolare riferimento alla preparazione dei formatori.
vai Centro Interdipartimentale di ricerca "Università per la pace"
    Il Centro, istituito nell'ambito dell'Università di Bologna, promuove e coordina studi e ricerche connessi ai problemi della pace, promuove iniziative di ricerca e di sperimentazione didattica, con particolare riferimento alla formazione dei formatori nell'ambito dell'educazione alla pace, e favorisce e coordina a livello locale, nazionale ed internazionale, lo scambio di informazioni e iniziative atte a promuovere collaborazioni interdisciplinari nel predetto ambito culturale attivando gli opportuni strumenti organizzativi.
vai Centro Studi Domenico Regis
    Il Centro Studi Domenico Regis fina dal 1982 promuove studi inerenti ai problemi della partecipazione, dello sviluppo e della pace, con particolare approfondimento delle tematiche inerenti alla difesa popolare nonviolenta, alla trasformazione nonviolenta dei conflitti, ai modelli di sviluppo e alle scelte delle fonti energetiche. È inserito nell’IPRI (Italian Peace Research Institute), nell’IPRA (International Peace Research Association) e nella Rete TRANSCEND.
vai Centro Studi Problemi Internazionali (CESPI)
    Il Centro Studi Problemi Internazionali, nato a Milano nel 1974, è un’associazione senza fini di lucro, espressione di una pluralità politica, religiosa e culturale. I principi che regolano l’attività dell’Associazione sono la libertà della ricerca e dell’informazione e un impegno democratico e di solidarietà tra i popoli. Secondo le finalità statutarie, il CESPI è quindi aperto alla collaborazione con realtà affini in Italia e all’estero. Si pone al servizio dei gruppi e delle associazioni di base per l’informazione e la formazione sui problemi internazionali e promuove studi e pubblicazioni.
vai Centro di ricerca e di studio sui diritti umani
    Il centro della LUISS organizza, tra le altre attività, un Corso post-laurea a cadenza annuale di aggiornamento sugli aspetti interni ed internazionali della tutela dei diritti umani, nell'ambito del decennio ONU ad hoc (1995-2004). Il corso ha cadenza annuale. A iniziativa del Centro la Luiss concorre dall'anno accademico 1998-99, con un dottorato di ricerca sulla tutela internazionale dei diritti dell'uomo. Più componenti del Centro hanno fatto parte della delegazione del governo italiano alla Conferenza diplomatica per la convenzione istitutiva di un Tribunale permanente per i crimini contro l'umanità (Roma, FAO, 15 giugno - 17 luglio 1998).
vai Centro di ricerca per la pace e la trasformazione dei conflitti "Gernika Gogoratuz"
    Gernika Gogoratuz is a Peace Research and Conflict Transformation Center is a non-profit and independent association and was founded in 1987, as a result of a unanimous decision by the Basque Parliament to establish a center with a mission to contribute to the symbol of Gernika and as a reminder of the bombing of the town during the Spanish Civil War. In order to enrich the symbol of Gernika, Gernika Gogoratuz understands that its mission relates both to the past and the future - recovering its long suppressed history and working with a background of scientific thought, in order to contribute to the build-up of a liberating and reconciliatory peace, both in the Basque Country and worldwide. In order to fulfil these objectives, Gernika Gogoratuz works in four interlinking areas, and can be represented as the four corners of a square. 1. Support and enrichment of the symbol of Gernika as a town of peace and reconciliation 2. International Network in Support of Reconciliation Processes 3. Education and Training in Conflict Transformation 4. Intervention, primarily in the Basque Conflict and also in various conflicts, worldwide.
vai Centro Interdipartimentale Scienze per la Pace (CISP)
    Il Centro Interdipartimentale Scienze per la Pace (CISP) dell'Università di Pisa, costituito nel Novembre 1998 per iniziativa dei Dipartimenti diFilosofia, Informatica, Lingue e Letterature romanze, Scienze Economiche, Scienze Sociali e di singoli docenti, intende promuovere nell'Università di Pisa la ricerca e la formazione sui temi della pace, del disarmo, delle origini dei conflitti e dei possibili modi per risolverli.
    In particolare, il centro: - promuove e coordina studi e ricerche connessi ai problemi della pace;- promuove iniziative di ricerca e di sperimentazione didattica, con particolare riferimento alla preparazione dei formatori, nell'ambito dell'educazione alla pace; - favorisce e coordina a livello locale, nazionale ed internazionale, lo scambio di informazioni e iniziative atte a promuovere collaborazioni interdisciplinari nel predetto ambito culturale, attivando gli opportuni strumenti organizzativi; - promuove convenzioni ed accordi di collaborazione con Enti pubblici e privati, italiani e stranieri, per la realizzazione delle finalità suddette.
vai Centro Studi Strategici (CSS)
    Il Centro di Studi Strategici della Luiss Guido Carli è nato nel 1982. Fin dalla sua fondazione, il Css ha rappresentato un fattore di novità nel suo campo, proponendosi come il primo istituto di ricerca in materia di studi strategici operante nell'ambito del mondo accademico italiano. Gli studi strategici, nell'accezione adottata dal Centro, sono intesi nel loro significato più ampio. Concentrano la propria attenzione sul problema della "strategia delle scelte", che investe in primo luogo le scelte in campo politico ed economico. Una relativa preferenza, soprattutto agliinizi, è stata accordata alle attività concernenti gli argomenti della politica estera e della politica di difesa.
vai Conflict Processes Section of the APSA (en)
    The Conflict Processes Section of the American Political Science Association site serves several purposes but the primary purpose is to support research on conflict processes within and between states. Furthermore, the site: (1) provides information about the section; (2) provides access to publically available data sets used frequently in the study of political conflict processes; (3) serves as a gateway to an Electronic Paper-Archive. From here you can view abstracts of conference papers on-line, and download entire papers onto your own computer in a format that you can print.
vai Consorzio Italiano di Solidarietà (ICS)
    Al fine di affermare i principi della pace e della nonviolenza, della cooperazione e della solidarietà internazionale, dei diritti umani e della giustizia, della convivenza e della democrazia, del dialogo interculturale , l'ICS -attraverso l'azione singola e/o comune dei suoi Aderenti- si propone le seguenti finalità: - la promozione di attività, campagne, progetti di volontariato, cooperazione, solidarietà concreta in situazioni di emergenza umanitaria, di sostegno allo sviluppo, di costruzione e difesa dei diritti umani, di pacificazione nelle aree di conflitto, di assistenza e aiuto alle persone colpite da calamità naturali, guerre, violenza generalizzata, esclusione sociale, discriminazioni di ogni tipo; - la promozione di attività di carattere educativo, culturale, sociale e politico di sensibilizzazione, di informazione, di formazione nell'ambito dei temi sopra elencati.
vai Council for a Livable World (en)
    The Council for a Livable World, the Council for a Livable World Education Fund and PeacePAC are arms control groups committed to ridding the world of weapons of mass destruction and eliminating wasteful military spending. The Council and PeacePAC are also political lobbies which endorse political candidates.
vai Copenhagen Peace Research Institute (COPRI) (en)
    The Copenhagen Peace Research Institute (COPRI) was established as an independent institute by the Danish Parliament in 1985 aimed at supporting and strengthening multidisciplinary research on Peace and Security. In 1996 the status of COPRI was made permanent and changed to that of a Government Research Institute under the Ministry of Research and Information Technology. At the same time COPRI changed its name in English from the previous one, Centre for Peace and Conflict Research, to its present but retained its Danish name, Center for Freds- og Konfliktforskning. The purpose of COPRI is to stimulate debate and research on international key issues related to Peace and Security Studies. The institute does this through research, seminars, publications and news and information.
vai Culture of Peace (en)
    UNESCO’s Culture of Peace Project aims to promote values, attitudes and behaviours in people so that they will seek peaceful solutions to problems.
    As a transdisciplinary project, all Sectors of the Organization are active in the development of innovative projects and activities that foster this new culture.
    In working with a wide range of partners, UNESCO aims to advance a global movement for a Culture of Peace.
vai Department of Peace and Conflict Research (University of Uppsala) (en) vai Department of Peace Studies (University of Bradford)(en)
    The Department of Peace Studies is the largest university peace studies centre in the world, and one of the best known. It draws on the traditional disciplines of politics, sociology, history, philosophy and international relations, in order to study how conflict arises, and how it might be prevented or mitigated.
vai Diritto Internazionale Umanitario
    Il diritto internazionale umanitario ha per scopo quello di limitare le sofferenze causate dalla guerra e di attenuare gli effetti di questa. Le regole che enuncia sono il risultato di un sensibile equilibrio tra le esigenze della condotta delle ostilità -la "necessità militare"- da un lato, e le leggi dell'umanità, dall'altro. Il diritto umanitario è una questione delicata, ma nessun compromesso può essere tollerato.
vai Euro-Atlantic Foundation (EAF) (en)
    The Euro-Atlantic Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded under the auspices of the North Atlantic Assembly, the Assembly of the Western European Union and the Swiss Government. Its overall purpose is to encourage the dissemination and use of information on international relations, defence and security, and to promote the exchange of information and research on these topics between parliaments, governments, international organizations and the academic community.
vai European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) (en)
    The European Centre for Minority Issues is a non-partisan, bi-national institution founded in 1996 by the Governments of the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the German State of Schleswig-Holstein. ECMI is a non-profit foundation and the recipient of regular government funding from Copenhagen, Bonn and Kiel, as well as of a start-up grant under the INTERREG-II programme of the European Union. ECMI´s three main spheres of activity are: (1) Information Services, (2) Research, and (3) Constructive Conflict Management. Current projects focus on: the evaluation of policies addressing minority issues; the development of an integrated data bank on minorities, in partnership with other institutions; and the regular organisation of seminars and workshops to facilitate dialogue between conflict parties.
vai European Communication Humanitarian Center (ECHO) (en)
    The European Union’s mandate to ECHO is to provide emergency assistance and relief to the victims of natural disasters or armed conflict outside the European Union. The aid is intended to go directly to those in distress, irrespective of race, religion or political convictions.
vai European Information Network on International Relations and Area Studies (EINIRAS) (en)
    The European Information Network on International Relations and Area Studies (on ISN) is an association of European research institutions dealing with information and documentation on international relations in research and political practice. The long-term objective of EINIRAS is to establish a common European database on international relations and area studies. The short-term objectives include the expansion of practical cooperation, and the exchange of information, bibliographical data and publications.
vai European Platform for Conflict Prevention and Transformation (en)
    The European Platform for Conflict Prevention and Transformation is a network of European non-governmental organisations involved in the prevention and/or resolution of violent conflicts in the international arena. Its mission is to facilitate the exchange of information and experience among participating organisations, as well as to stimulate co-operation and synergy.
vai European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relation
    The European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relation, based in Utrecht (Netherlands), exists to promote the scientific study of migration (including asylum seekers), racism and ethnicity, to support relevant research training, to disseminate information and promote communication between researchers.
vai European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratization (EMA)
    The aims and objectives as well as the organizational structure of the EMA are set forth in the "Charter of the European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratization", the so-called "Venice Charter", that was adopted by the participating universities on July 26, 1997. The primary aim of the EMA Programme is to form high-level professionals in the field of human rights and democratization qualified to work as academics, staff members or field workers for inter-governmental, governmental, and non-governmental organizations. In addition, the Programme seeks to create a European network of curriculum development and staff exchange among universities in the field of human rights.
vai European University Center for Peace Studies (EPU) (en)
    The EPU is an international NGO with UNESCO status. It was founded in 1988 by Gerald Mader in his capacity as President of the ASPR, with the support of European UNESCO Commissions.The original curriculum of the EPU was designed along the lines of Johan Galtung´s "Plan for a Master of Peace and Conflict Resolution" which he had developed for the University of Hawaii. Since 1990 the EPU has been offering post-graduate programmes in peace studies.Primary goals of the EPU are: spreading the idea of peace in the spirit of UNESCO; giving scientific and educational support to peace building in Europe as inspired by the OSCE process; promoting a "world domestic policy" based on sustainable development, co-operative responsibility and ecological security; contributing to the development of a global peace culture; training and improving individual capabilities in peace-making and conflict resolution.
vai Forum per i problemi della pace e della guerra
    Non raggiungibile all'ultima verifica.
vai Geneva International Peace Research Institute (GIPRI) (en)
    The purposes of GIPRI (on ISN) are to promote research, teaching and interdisciplinary dialogue on peace. GIPRI seeks to encourage encounters and communication for all who are interested, both specialists and the public at large. GIPRI is independent of all other organizations. It was recognized by the United Nations as a "Messenger of Peace" in 1988 and has been granted consultative status to the ECOSOC in 1997.
vai Human Rights Education Associates (HREA) (en)
    Human Rights Education Associates (HREA) is an a-political, non-profit organisation whose main mission is to support efforts aimed at introducing human rights concepts and values into educational curricula and teaching practices. HREA is dedicated to quality education and training to promote understanding, attitudes and actions to protect human rights, and to foster the development of peaceable, free and just communities.
vai Human Rigths Internet (HRI) (en)
    Founded in 1976, Human Rights Internet is a world leader in the exchange of information within the worldwide human rights community. Objective of the organization is to support the work of the global non-governmental community in its struggle to obtain human rights for all. To this end, HRI promotes human rights education, stimulates research, encourages the sharing of information, and builds international solidarity among those committed to the principles enshrined in the International Bill of Human Rights.
vai Human Rights Watch (en)
    Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world. We stand with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom, to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring offenders to justice.
vai Humanitarianism and War Project (en)
    The Humanitarianism and War Project (Thomas J. Watson Jr. Institute for International Studies) reviews the experience of the international community in responding to complex emergencies around the world. The Project examines the interaction between humanitarian action and political-military forces. Relying primarily on the data gathered from interviews with those involved in crises, it frames recommendations to improve the functioning of the world's humanitarian system.
vai Incore - Global center for the study and resolution of conflict (en)
    Incore was founded in 1993 in a joint initiative between the University of Ulster and the United Nation University. Incore aims to address the management and resolution of conflict via a combination of training, research and other activities which inform and influence national and international organizations working in the field of conflict. On this website you may find helpful the Ethnic Studies Network, which main aim is to encourage and facilitate comparative and co-operative research into conflict resolution and ethnicity. The premise is that those working in different plural societies share common problems and approaches. Each ethnic conflict is distinctive but all can be enlightened from the experiences of others. The Network aims to explore these shared general and theoretical insights through empirical study of conflict.
vai Informal Sector Service Center (INSEC) (en)
    The Informal Sector Service Center was founded in 1988 in order to cater human right services to the grass roots people and general public. INSEC is an independent, non-profit-making and non-partisan human rights organisation. It is based in Kathmandu and has branches in all regional centres of Nepal. INSEC's objectives are: protection and promotion of human rights through advocacy, lobby, training, education, information, campaigns and projects at national, regional and grass roots levels.
vai Institute for Global Comunications (IGC) (en)
    IGC, a nonprofit institute, shares the vision to actively promote change toward a healthy society, one which is founded on principals of social justice, broadly shared economic opportunity, a robust democratic process, and sustainable environmental practices. We believe healthy societies rely fundamentally on respect for individual rights, the vitality of communities, and a celebration of diversity. On ICG: PeaceNet; EcoNet; WomansNet; AntiracismNet.
vai Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflicts (en, de)
    The objective of the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (Institut für Friedenssicherungsrecht und Humanitäres Völkerrecht, of the Ruhr University Bochum) is to intensify academic research and instruction in the fields of armed conflict and ensuring peace. In particular, it sets out to fill the gaps which have appeared in this area of research in recent decades and to make contributions with respect to fundamental and current issues. Of special significance are the questions surrounding a future European peace order and the realisation of regional and world-wide processes of disarmament and arms control, as well as all of the humanitarian issues arising from armed conflicts and situations threatening peace. The Institute's twofold and comprehensive objective of dealing with issues surrounding both peace and armed conflict – issues which were traditionally seen as two completely separate levels of research and political activity – takes into account the growing interconnection of these areas of international relations which has appeared in recent years in academic discussions and in the practice of international law.
vai Institute for Security Studies(en) (fr)
    On 13 November 1989 the Ministerial Council (foreign and defence ministers) of Western European Union (WEU) decided to create an Institute for Security Studies, with the task of contributing to the development of a European security identity. It came into being on 1 July 1990.
    Following The Hague Platform on European Security Interests of 27 October 1987, the creation of the Institute as an instrument at the service of member countries was intended to assist them in their determination both to strengthen the European pillar of NATO and to provide an integrated Europe with a security and defence dimension. That goal was reaffirmed in WEU's 1991 Maastricht Declaration annexed to the Treaty on European Union - which established a formal, functional relationship between the European Union and WEU and that was confirmed in the 1997 Amsterdam revision of the Treaty. The strengthening of WEU's operational role has also been welcomed at successive NATO meetings, most recently in Berlin in 1996 and Madrid in 1997. At the European summit in Cologne on 4 June 1999, the Fifteen finally decided to give the Union a credible military crisis-management capability, and adopted the principle of "the inclusion of those functions of the WEU which will be necessary for the EU to fulfil its new responsibilities".
    The Institute for Security Studies began work at a time of substantial change in the strategic environment: democratization in Central and Eastern Europe, the collapse of the Soviet Union, German unification, the commitment of the European Union to common security, the reform of NATO and the development of the OSCE. Today, the prevention and management of crises are the challenges that Europe, as a strategic actor, must help to meet in a more coherent and credible way. The progressive integration of WEU in the European Union constitutes an essential step in the assertion of this new responsibility of the European Union.
vai Institute for Peace Spark M. Matsunaga
    The Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace is an academic community designed to explore, develop and share knowledge of peace through teaching, research, publication, and public service. In doing so, it seeks to promote peace personally, locally, nationally, and globally through compassionate and nonviolent means. By addressing the major issues of conflict management, community building, and the reduction of violence, the Matsunaga Institute for Peace draws closer to its goal: a world at peace. The means of accomplishing this mission are: * multi-disciplinary investigation, definition, integration, and dissemination of knowledge about peace; * research, teaching, and public discussion of peace in the past, present, and the foreseeable future; * education, training, research, prevention, and peaceful resolution of conflicts through mediation between individuals, within families, in neighborhoods, between nations, and globally; * community activities that honestly and boldly bring to the public's attention critical thinking on peace and peaceful problem-solving; * empowerment of people everywhere to work for a peaceful nonviolent world.
vai Instituto de la Paz y los Conflictos (Universidad de Granada, es)
    Finalidad primera del Instituto del la Paz y los Conflictos es divulgar una cultura de paz, entendiendo por este concepto algo mucho más amplio que la ausencia de guerra. Una paz positiva que reúna las condiciones necesarias para un desarrollo humano justo y sostenible, es decir, un desarrollo que tienda hacia la satisfacción de las necesidades humanas básicas. Esta ampliación del concepto paz corre paralela a la de violencia, entendiendido por ésta todo aquello que, siendo evitable, obstaculiza el desarrollo humano.
vai International Action Center
    The IAC was initiated in 1992 by former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark and many antiwar activists to expose the US bombing of innocent Iraqi civilians and the massive destruction of the Iraqi infrastructure. The Center coordinated an International War Crimes Tribunal which implicated the US in gross violations of international law. Since then, the IAC has been a leader in the movements to end US/UN sanctions against Iraq; oppose the expansion of NATO and US/NATO bombing of the Bosnian Serbs; end the thirty-five year blockade of Cuba; and continually oppose US military involvement throughout the globe, from Haiti to Somalia, from Panama to the Philippines, to Palestine.
vai International Centre for Security Analysis (ICSA) (en)
    ICSA is the consultancy research arm of the Department of War Studies (King's College London). Established in October 1996, ICSA aims to provide research and analysis to decision-makers in both the public and the private sectors concerned with strategic and operational planning. The revolution in the processing and dissemination of information and developments in precision munitions must be addressed at the same time as the impact of environmental degradation and resource scarcity. At the same time, the international community is threatened by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. In response to these developments, armed forces are being called on to master a wider variety of roles. They must maintain the right balance of forces to meet the demands of both future conventional battlefields and of peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. Governments must be prepared to manage crises in unfamiliar parts of the world and relate military considerations to economic, social and political factors. The increased need to operate out of area puts particular strain on C4I systems and logistic elements.
vai International Crisis Group (ICG) (en)
    The International Crisis Group (ICG) is a private, multinational organisation committed to strengthening the capacity of the international community to understand and respond to impending crises.
vai International Human Rights Law Group (en)
    The International Human Rights Law Group is a nonprofit organization of human rights and legal professionals engaged in human rights advocacy, litigation and training around the world. Our mission is to support and help empower advocates to expand the scope of human rights protection for men and women and to promote broad participation in creating more effective human rights standards and procedures at the national, regional and international levels.
vai International Institute for Democracy
    The initiative to set up the International Institute for Democracy was taken at the Second Strasbourg Conference on Parliamentary Democracy in September 1987. The Institute's main role is to encourage co-operation on a world-wide scale between governmental, non-governmental and inter-parliamentary organisations, as well as between national parliaments, with a view to promoting and strengthening pluralistic democracy.
vai International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) (en)
    The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), founded in 1958, is one of the world’s most prestigious private, not-for-profit membership organisation for the study of military strategy, arms control, regional security and conflict resolution. The Institute’s work on the use of armed force, arms control, peacekeeping and conflict resolution, regional security - and the changing shape of international relations generally - is widely regarded as being at the forefront of modern strategic thought.
vai International Peace and Research Association (IPRA) (en)
    The purpose of IPRA is to advance interdisciplinary research into the conditions of peace and the causes of war and other forms of violence. To this end, IPRA shall encourage worldwide cooperation designed to assist the advancement of peace research and, in particular: to promote national and international studies and teaching related to the pursuit of world peace; to facilitate contacts and cooperation between scholars and educators throughout the world; and d to encourage worldwide dissemination of results of peace research.
vai Istituto Affari Internazionali
    Associazione culturale senza fini di lucro, lo IAI fu fondato l'11 ottobre del 1965 su iniziativa di Altiero Spinelli.Nel 1980 è stato eretto a ente morale con decreto del Presidente della Repubblica. Il finanziamento è assicurato dai soci individuali e collettivi, da Enti pubblici e privati, dalle principali Fondazioni internazionali e da un contributo di legge erogato dal Ministero degli Esteri. Scopo prioritario dell'Istituto è promuovere la conoscenza dei problemi della politica internazionale mediante studi e ricerche, incontri, pubblicazioni per contribuire ad accrescere la possibilità di un'evoluzione di tutti i paesi del mondo verso forme di organizzazione sovranazionale, verso le libertà democratiche, verso il progresso economico e la giustizia sociale (art. 1 dello statuto).
vai Institute of International Relations Clingendael (en)
    The objective of the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael is to promote the understanding of international affairs. Special attention is devoted to NATO, the European Community, the United Nations and other international organizations. Clingendael seeks to achieve its objective by means of research, the publication of studies, the organization of courses and training programmes, and the provision of information. It acts in an advisory capacity to the government, parliament and social organizations, organizes conferences and meetings, maintains a library and documentation centre, and publishes a monthly journal.
vai Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS) (en)
    The Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS) was established in August 1996 in New Dehli (India) and specializes in alternate policy studies. The Institute examines alternate approaches to security relevant to India and the world with the aim of promoting a harmonious and secure regional and global order. In particular it focuses on: Changing concepts of security; dissarmament and arms control issues; Comprehensive and co-operative security; Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; Landmines elimination; Confidence building measures; Non-military threats to security; China's security policies; Asia-Pacific security issues; Regional co-operation in South Asia.
vai International Peace Bureau (IPB) (en)
    The IPB is the world's oldest and most comprehensive international peace federation, bringing together people working for peace in many different sectors: not only pacifists but also women's, youth, labour, religious, political and professional bodies. IPB was founded in 1892 and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1910. It has 170 member organizations, both internationals and national/local groups in over 40 countries.
    IPB's role is to support peace and disarmament initiatives taken by the UN, by governments, and especially by citizens. We devote our main resources to informing and servicing grassroots peace campaigns, and creating international projects. In addition, we act as publishing house, conference organiser, and Geneva logistical support for visiting NGOs.
vai International Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) (en) vai International Studies Association (ISA) (en)
    ISA was founded in 1959, and since then it has vigorously promoted research and education about international affairs. With well over three thousand members in North America and around the world, ISA is the most respected and widely known scholarly association in this field. We cooperate with 53 international studies organizations in 32 countries, and we are a member of the International Social Science Council, and have nongovernmental consultative status with the United Nations.
vai International Relations and Security Network (ISN) (en) vai International Training Programme for Conflict Management
    The International Training Programme for Conflict Management is a post-graduate programme of the Scuola Superiore Sant' Anna (Pisa). The Programme aims to provide the education that will enable its graduates to serve conscientiously and effectively in international field operations of conflict management. These include missions of civilian peacekeeping, humanitarian and refugee assistance, peace and democracy building, election observation and human rights monitoring.International organizations, such as the United Nations and its agencies, the European Union and the OSCE, national governments as well as non-governmental organizations increasingly recognize the importance of recruiting those who have been specifically trained for these missions. The training opportunities offered by the Programme have been designed to respond to these needs and to professionalize the work of international field officers, observers, consultants, and volunteers.
vai Istituto di Studi Giuridici sulla Comunità Internazionale
    Tra le linee di ricerca dell'Istituto di Studi Giuridici sulla Comunità Internazionale: Prassi italiana di diritto internazionale; Diritto internazionale dell'ambiente; Regime internazionale dell'Antartide; Tutela giuridica delle aree protette; Diritto delle Nazioni Unite e prospettive di riforma dell'ONU ; Tutela dei diritti umani e diritto umanitario; Conformità del diritto interno alla normativa internazionale e comunitaria.
vai Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI)
    Vocazione dell'Istituto è promuovere la conoscenza approfondita delle problematiche inerenti lo scenario internazionale, favorire la consapevolezza del ruolo dell'Italia in un contesto globale in continua evoluzione, fornire un forum di discussione, analisi e dibattito ad alto livello, preparare individui destinati ad operare in ambiti internazionali. E' in quest'ottica che l'Istituto svolge la propria attività, nella consapevolezza che l'analisi e la diffusione delle problematiche internazionali non possa che scaturire dal coordinato esercizio di attività che spaziano dalla ricerca al dibattito, dalla formazione alla documentazione. I principali settori di interesse dell'ISPI sono la politica e l'economia internazionale, nonché l'analisi delle relazioni internazionali e dei problemi strategici; inoltre, al fine di permettere un approccio multidisciplinare allo studio del contesto internazionale, significativa rilevanza viene attribuita anche ad altre branche delle scienze sociali.
vai Istituto Universitario di Studi europei
    L'Istituto Universitario di Studi Europei, fondato a Torino nel 1952, è un'associazione non commerciale, senza scopo di lucro, che ha per scopo la ricerca scientifica e l'insegnamento nel campo dell'integrazione europea e dei rapporti internazionali e, attraverso tale attività, la preparazione di esperti e funzionari della vita internazionale la promozione e la valorizzazione, anche attraverso il collegamento con organismi europei ed internazionali, di iniziative di enti pubblici, privati, organizzazioni sindacali e di categoria, istituti ed enti culturali e di ricerca nell'ambito della collaborazione europea e dei rapporti internazionali (Statuto, art.1).
vai L.I.N.C.S. (Lab for International Criminal System) (en)
    The aim of LINCS is to support, both theoretically and practically, the implementation of the permanent International Criminal Court (ICC) as well as the working improvement of the two existing International Criminal Tribunals, for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and for Rwanda (ICTR) . For this purpose LINCS carries out research, education and dissemination activities on the International Criminal System.
vai Minorities at Risk - Tracking Ethnopolitical Conflict Worldwide (en)
    Minorities at Risk is an independent, university-based research project that monitors and analyzes the status and conflicts of politically-active communal groups in countries with a population of at least 500,000. The project is designed to provide information in standardized form that will contribute to the understanding and peaceful accommodation of conflicts involving communal groups. Selected project materials on 275 groups are available through this site for the information of researchers, students, public officials, journalists, activists, and other interested individuals.
vai Peace and Conflict Studies (en)
    Peace and Conflict Studies (Institute of Sociology University of Muenster) offers on-line research and communication exploring the dimensions of peace and conflict.
vai Peace Research and European Security Studies (AFES-PRESS) (en/de)
    AFES-PRESS is a non-profit international scientific society under German law which is located in Mosbach, Germany.
    AFES-PRESS aims at research focusing both on the short-term security policy problems of Europe and on the long-term goals of a European peace order.
    Peace Research aims at scientific contributions for the realisation of the long-term goal of a peace that is more than the absence of war. Security policy aims at the protection of societal achievements, of democratic goals and of cultural values.
vai Peace Research Information Unit Bonn (PRIUB) (en/de)
    The Arbeitsstelle Friedensforschung Bonn (AFB)/ Peace Research Information Unit Bonn (PRIUB) is a national and international advice, information, and service centre covering the whole field of research into peace and conflict. It puts scholars and institutions in touch with one another; it provides information on the organizations, concerns, and findings of peace and conflict research; it organizes discussion groups and work groups on specific topics; it provides those wishing to set up projects with advice on both technicalities and subject matter; and it provides back-up in the presentation of research findings and academic publications. The AFB Peace Research Index is based on a continuous survey of institutions and individual scholars involved in peace and conflict research. It lists over 300 organizations/institutions, with details of their areas of concern and useful information about their infrastructure.
vai Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF/HSFK) (en) (de)
    The PRIF research program aims to contribute to the european peace process, with special attention to the peace-friendly development of the european institutions, and to strenghten the democratic processes.
vai Peace Science Society (International) (PSSI) (en)
    The Peace Science Society is an independent, non-profit organization, established in 1963 at Malmo, Sweden. The Peace Science Society (International), or PSS(I), encourages the development of peace analysis and conflict management. PSS(I) does not confine itself to ideas specific to peace research, but welcomes and utilizes relevant work of the social and natural sciences. A primary concern of the Society is the improvement of social science theory as it relates to international relations. PSS(I) facilitates acquaintance and provides a vehicle for discussion among its members and others worldwide. It encourages and supports the publication of research, particularly but not exclusively quantitative research. PSS(I) avoids social, religious, or national bias. It does not promote political action or polemical discussion.
vai Peace Studies Resource Institute (en)
    "We have a simple message for the whole world from the movement for peace. We want to live and love and build a just and peaceful society. We want for our children, as we want for ourselves, lives at home, at work and at play to be lives of j oy and peace. We recognize that to buid such a life demands of all of us dedication, hard work and courage. We recognize that there are many problems in our society which are a source of conflict and violence. We recognize that every bullet fired and every exploding bomb makes that work more difficult. We reject the use of the bomb and the bullet and all the techniques of violence. We dedicate ourselves to working with our neighbors, near and far, day in and day out, to building that peaceful society in which the tragedies we have known are a bad memeory and a continuing warning."
vai Prevent Genocide (en) (it)
    Prevent Genocide International is a nonprofit educational organization established in 1998 with the purpose of bringing about the elimination of the crime of genocide. The organization makes particular use of the Internet as a way of linking persons around the world in a transnational network of global civic engagement and action. The foremost goal of Prevent Genocide International is to cultivate well-informed and articulate voices in many nations able to speak out in the emerging global civil society against the crime of genocide. Recent events in the former Yugoslavia, in the Great Lakes region of Africa and elsewhere demonstrate the urgent need for a network of individuals as well as local, national and international organizations capable of rapidly mobilizing the global public against possible future episodes of genocide.
vai Scientific Study of International Processes Section (SSIPS) (en)
    SSIPS is dedicated to bringing together researchers who, at all levels of analysis and with respect to the entire range of international political questions, pursue issues using (1) formally stated arguments and/or (2) systematically collected and analyzed empirical data. Following the canons of scientific inquiry, the section seeks to support and promote replicable research in terms of the clarity of a theoretical argument and/or the testing of hypotheses.
vai Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research (TFF) (en)
    The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research expresses a vision and is an experiment in applied peace research and global networking. We believe that alternatives to the main world trends are desirable and possible -- indeed, necessary for humankind to survive and live with dignity in a less violent future. TFF is an independent, small and innovative force for peace. We see conflict-resolution as science, art and politics in one. Thus, you'll find science, art and politics on these pages.
vai Transcend (en)
    Transcend is a network of invited scholars-practitioners working for peace and development through action, education/training, dissemination, and research. Trascend is engageed with Peaceful Conflict Transformation, to develop perspectives, through dialogues with the parties, on peaceful transformation toward acceptable/sustainable/ autonomous/participatory outcomes
vai Umut Foundation (Turkey)
    Article 3: "To empower our youth, who are the safeguard of the future, with qualities and skills fit for leadership which enable them to follow the path of Atatürk’s teachings, thus assisting them to take part in the development of our country and to be benefical to humankind; to help them internalize the supremacy of law and contribute to the application of it; to encourage them to favor peaceful means in resolving conflicts, following the dictum “Peace at Home, Peace in the World” set by our leader Atatürk; and in this context to teach them skills of peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding.
vai Università Internazionale delle Istituzioni dei Popoli per la Pace (UNIP)
    L'Università Internazionale delle Istituzioni dei Popoli per la Pace è sorta nel 1993 con lo scopo di fornire uno spazio di ricerca e di formazione nel campo della diplomazia popolare e della nonviolenza. Le finalità fondamentali dell'UNIP sono:
    * promuovere una cultura della pace e della mondialità nello spirito dei programmi dell'Unesco;
    * contribuire all'affermazione di un ordine mondiale fondato sull'attuazione dei diritti umani;
    * diffondere i principi della nonviolenza;
    * formare a ruoli attivi nella diplomazia popolare e nella risoluzione pacifica dei conflitti, sviluppando competenze e abilità appropriate.
vai United Nations University (UNU) (en)
    Established by the United Nations General Assembly on 6 December 1973 [Resolution 3081 (XXVIII)], UNU Mission is "to contribute, through research and capacity building, to efforts to resolve the pressing global problems that are the concern of the United Nations, its Peoples and Member States". UNU has four Key Roles: An international community of scholars, a bridge between the United Nations and the international academic community, a think-tank for the United Nations system, a builder of capacities, particularly in developing countries.
vai Verification Research, Training & Information Centre (VERTIC) (en)
    The Verification Research, Training & Information Centre is an independent, non-profit making, non-governmental organisation. Its mission is to promote effective and efficient verification as a means of ensuring confidence in the implementation of treaties or other agreements which have international or national security implications. VERTIC aims to achieve its mission through research, training, dissemination of information and interaction with the relevant political, diplomatic, technical and scientific communities.
vai Youth Action for Peace (YAP) (en/it)
    Youth Action for Peace is an international movement founded in 1923, which brings together young people, who have as their goal a society of justice, peace and human solidarity.


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Associazioni e Fondazioni:

vai Associazione Namaste

    L'Associazione Namaste persegue soprattutto i seguenti scopi: - organizzare e gestire iniziative e percorsi culturali di educazione e formazione ai valori della Pace, Giustizia ed Accoglienza; in particolare assume l'impegno di dare continuità alle attività delle tradizionali "Manifestazioni della Pace" ed alle iniziative ad esse collegate; - costituire un "centro di ascolto" per individuare i bisogni e per facilitare l'accesso degli interessati ai servizi pubblici e privati da chiunque erogati.
vai Associazione per i popoli minacciati
    L'Associazione per i popoli minacciati, fondata nel 1970 da due studenti di Amburgo, Tilman Zülch e Klaus Gürcke con l'obiettivo di sviluppare un'attività in difesa delle minoranze etniche, linguistiche e religiose, è un' organizzazione internazionale per la difesa dei diritti umani/diritti dei popoli, con sedi in sei paesi europei (Austria, Bosnia, Germania, Italia, Lussemburgo e Svizzera). Nel 1993 ha ottenuto lo status di membro consultivo presso il Consiglio Economico e Sociale delle Nazioni Unite (ECOSOC). La sezione italiana, l'Associazione per i Popoli Minacciati,è attiva in Italia dall'inizio del 1993 ed ha sede a Bolzano. L'Associazione per i Popoli Minacciati:a) promuove un'opera di sensibilizzazione contro tutti i tentativi di distruzione fisica (genocidio) e di sradicamento culturale (etnocidio), e si oppone fermamente allo sciovinismo, al colonialismo, al razzismo;b) si batte per i diritti delle minoranze e dei popoli indigeni , dalla Corsica alla Polinesia, dal Sudamerica alla Siberia.
vai Associazione per la pace - Onlus (solo Flash)
    L'Associazione per la Pace è una organizzazione non governativa laica nata nel 1988. Nel complesso panorama del pacifismo italiano è una fra le associazioni più importanti, con 70 gruppi locali sparsi per tutta l'Italia e con centinaia di aderenti. Le sue attività si svolgono anche all'estero attraverso la promozione di progetti e campagne.
vai Amnesty International Italia
    Movimento internazionale, indipendente, che opera per la promozione e la difesa dei diritti umani. Possiede status consultivo presso le Nazioni Unite e ha ricevuto il premio Nobel per la Pace nel 1977.
vai Azione Nonviolenta
    Rivista mensile del Movimento Nonviolento fondata nel 1964 da Aldo Capitini. Il Movimento Nonviolento lavora per l'esclusione della violenza individuale e di gruppo in ogni settore della vita sociale, al livello locale, nazionale e internazionale, e per il superamento dell'apparato di potere che trae alimento dallo spirito di violenza.
vai Brigate di Pace Internazionali (Peace Brigades International) (PBI)
    Peace Brigades International manda delle èquipe di volontari nelle regioni di repressione politica e di conflitto. PBI fornisce un accompagnamento internazionale protettivo a persone e organizzazioni che sono state minacciate di violenza politica oppure incorrono dei rischi comparabili. Attraverso questa azione, PBI allarga lo spazio di libertà necessario ai militanti locali per lavorare alla giustizia sociale e al progresso dei diritti umani, e questo rimanendo sempre imparziali: PBI non interviene in ciò che i militanti fanno, né dice loro perché o come devono farlo.
vai Città invisibile
    Città invisibile promuove la realizzazione di una democrazia partecipativa, e i valori della pari dignità, dell'uguaglianza, della giustizia e della libertà degli individui, nonché un modello di convivenza tra persone basato sul rispetto reciproco e sull'accettazione delle differenze, sulla socialità e sulla convivialità.
vai Fondazione Internazionale Lelio Basso per i diritti e la liberazione dei popoli
    La Fondazione studia su un piano giuridico e storico, ma anche economico, sociale ed antropologico, le formulazioni giuridico-politiche che sostanziano il Diritto dei popoli: lo scopo è quello di contribuire all'elaborazione dei principi che devono regolare un nuovo ordine di rapporti volti a favorire la pace, basati non più sull'egemonia, ma sull'interdipendenza.
vai Nonviolent peace corps - operazione Colomba
    L'Operazione Colomba è nata nel 1992 con la guerra jugoslava, dal desiderio di provare a vivere la nonviolenza in zona di guerra e di condividere la vita di chi è costretto a subire la violenza dei conflitti. Abbiamo vissuto sui diversi fronti, riunendo le famiglie, proteggendo con la nostra presenza le minoranze etniche provando a guarire le ferite e a gettare ponti e, a partire dal 1995, abbiamo esportato questo modo di entrare nelle guerre anche in Albania, in Africa (Sierra Leone) ed in Chiapas (Messico), convinti che dal vivere con le vittime della guerra nascono delle strade per la pace inaspettate. Vogliamo diventare un corpo civile di pace, praticamente un esercito disarmato che interviene efficacemente nei conflitti arm ati e sociali acuti, per questo ci siamo organizzati in tre livelli: il primo formato da coloro che dedicano a tempo pieno la propria vita a rendere concreto questo sogno, il secondo di coloro che danno disponibilità di tempo medio lunghe ed il terzo di mobilitazione popolare, anche per brevi periodi.


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Siti di informazione e coordinamento:

vai Archive for Peace - Istituto di Sociologia Internazionale di Gorizia (ISIG)

    The "Archive for Peace" has been established at the Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia principally with the aim of supporting initiatives aimed at promoting a culture of peace.
    To this end the Archive has created a specialized library, which at present contains (besides many periodicals) hundreds of books. In addition to general works, there are also, for example, teaching materials for the preparation of courses and lessons intended for students.
    The Archive for Peace is collecting documents of many types (handbills,posters, catalogues of exhibitions, etc.) in order to establish a sort of historical memory of the activities carried out in this region in favour of a culture of peace.
vai Archivio Web Noam Chomsky
    Noam Chomsky è uno dei pochi grandi intellettuali che non hanno mai rinunciato ad essere coscienza critica della società occidentale. Per oltre trent'anni le sue opinioni e i suoi giudizi, sempre attenti a cogliere l'essenza delle cose dietro l'apparenza della realtà, hanno sensibilizzato un crescente interesse del pubblico verso la reale natura del potere. Fin dagli anni '60 è sempre in prima fila nelle lotte della sinistra radicale americana. Noam Chomsky è nato nel 1928 negli Stati Uniti. Ha rivoluzionato gli studi linguistici con la teoria generativista che ha avuto fondamentali ricadute nell'ambito della ricerca psicologica, logica, filosofica. Attualmente insegna nel Department of Linguistic and Philosophy del Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT].
vai AlertNet (en)
    AlertNet, run by The Reuter Foundation, and backed by Reuters, is a rapid news and communications service for the international emergency relief community. The service is non-commercial, and operates on the public Internet. The objective of AlertNet is to make a useful contribution to the speed and efficiency of humanitarian aid operations. Drawing on Reuters experience in news and communications, AlertNet aims to be both a specialist news supplier and a neutral information facility which can be used by voluntary organisations engaged in emergency relief.
vai Capire i conflitti per costruire la pace
    Lo scopo principale di questa pagina Web è di condividere con chiunque sia interessato i risultati delle ricerche effettuate da Giovanni Scotto su ricerche e iniziative per la pace, gestione e trasformazione dei conflitti e sviluppo, nonché sfruttare l'interattività di Internet per diffondere informazioni, agire e riflettere insieme.
vai Carta
    Il sito dell'ononima rivista, con ottimi aricoli e una lista aggiornatissima di organizzazioni sociali di ogni genere.
vai Europa Europe
    Europa/Europe, bimestrale di analisi, informazione e dibattito sulle alternative dell'Italia e dell'Europa nell'era della globalizzazione, è nata nel 1992 come strumento di analisi e di informazione sulla nuova realtà europea dopo la fine della "guerra fredda", occupandosi delle trasformazioni e delle prospettive dell'Europa dopo il tornante storico del 1989: la nascita e lo sviluppo dell'Unione europea, le interdipendenze e la globalizzazione, la Grande Europa e i punti di crisi.
vai European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratization (en)
    An interdisciplinary programme, the EMA Programme reflects the indivisible links between human rights, democracy, peace and development. Students will have the occasion to meet and be taught by some of the leading specialists in the areas of law, international relations, political science, sociology and philosophy, while studying in an international environment.
vai Galileo
    Galileo, giornale di scienza e problemi globali, analizza in maniera completa e lineare alcune delle tematiche connesse alla modernità. Da segnalare l'archivio (per esempio vedi il Dossier di Marzo/Aprile 1998 "Guerra e pace").
vai Guerre & Pace
    In una società planetaria è indispensabile costruire conoscenza e informazione sui conflitti internazionali, le loro cause e le ricadute sulla vita di tutti noi. Dal marzo 1993 la rivista "Guerre&Pace" cerca di rispondere a queste esigenze fornendo notizie poco diffuse o taciute sui conflitti in corso nel mondo, analizzando le cause e le responsabilità, dando voce ai movimenti alternativi.Dal 1996 ha esteso la sua attenzione anche agli altri conflitti Nord/Sud/Est, legati al problema dell'immigrazione, sociali e ambientali.
vai Il Cerchio
    L’Associazione di volontariato 'Il Cerchio' nasce nel marzo del 1993 sulla base delle esperienze di tipo umanitario-pacifista che alcuni soci fondatori ebbero nei territori della Ex-Jugoslavia. Risulta regolarmente iscritta nell’Albo Regionale del Volontariato e dal marzo del 1994 aderisce al Consorzio Italiano di Solidarietà (ICS).I settori sociali di intervento riguardano la coooperazione internazionale, i diritti umani, la pace e il disarmo.
vai Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies (en)
    Peace and Conflict Studies is designed to discuss various issues in peace research and conflict analysis. It publishes articles which deal with the environment, social change, grassroots movements, poverty and hunger, alternative economic development, human security, non-hierarchical world order, economic equity, nonviolence, disarmament, cultural studies, feminine views of peace, green politics, critical pedagogy, conflict resolution, etc. However, we are also interested in other issues relevant to peace and conflict studies from various perspectives.
vai Peace and conflict (en)
    The purpose of this site is to serve as a virtual guide to, and library of, peace studies and conflict resolution. Founded in early 1992, before the world wide web existed, this internet site has been transformed an older listserv on peace into the Peace Studies Discussion Group (or "Peace List") as a service to those in higher education interested in the interdisciplinary field of peace studies.
vai Rete di Lilliput
    Come i piccoli lillipuziani riuscirono a bloccare il gigante Gulliver, legando ciascuno un singolo capello del predone, così noi cerchiamo di fermare il tiranno economico conducendo ciascuno la nostra piccola lotta in collegamento con gli altri.
vai Palestine Liberation Organization - Negotiations Affairs department
    Il sito del Ministero dell'Informazione dell'OLP, con tutti i testi delle risoluzioni ONU e dei trattati internazionali riguardanti il conflitto israelo-palestinese. Si veda anche il sito del Ministero degli Affari Esteri istraeliano.
vai Nobel Peace Prize Winners (en)
    Conatins names and history of the Noble Peace prize winners from 1901 up to now.
vai Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution (en)
    The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution is intended as a resource for students, teachers and practitioners in fields relating to the reduction and elimination of conflict. It desires to be a free, yet valuable, source of information to aid anyone trying to work toward a less violent and more cooperative world.
vai Peacelink
    Peacelink, telematica per la pace, è un'associazione pacifista nata a Taranto nel 1992; le sue attività ruotavano inizialmente intorno a due BBS, per approdare qualche anno dopo sulla Rete mondiale con questo sito e con le varie mailing list che fungono da punto di raccordo per chi è alla ricerca di links di pace aggiornati:"(...) perchè, se informazione e potere sono veramente sinonimi nel mondo attuale, decentralizzazione e creazione di reti sono i nuovi sinonimi della vecchia utopia che si chiama democrazia".
vai Promiseland
    L'obbiettivo di questo sito è la promozione e la divulgazione di argomenti a volte scomodi e di difficile reperibilità, senza censure politiche, ideologiche o commerciali. Questi sono solo alcuni degli argomenti che tratteremo nel tempo: Ecologia - Alimentazione - Coltivazione biologica - Coltivazione Biodinamica - Igienismo - Digiuno come regola di vita - Digiuno come cura - Attacchi di Panico - Depressione - Comicoterapia - Autosufficenza - Multinazionali - Consumo etico - Commercio equo e solidale - Bioedilizia - Il latte - Ricette naturali - Biodegradabilità - Antiparassitari - Rifiuti.
vai Research Guide to International Law on the Internet (en)
    The page, created by the Faculty of Political Science (University of Bologna), provides an excellent link collection.
vai Sito Web Italiano per la Filosofia
    Il link punta ad un'ottima rassegna stampa, curata da Vittorio Bertolini e dall'Università degli Studi di Bari (Laboratorio di Epistemologia Informatica e Dipartimento di Scienze Filosofiche), che raccoglie articoli di filosofia ed etica.
vai Statewatch
    Statewatch si occupa del rispetto delle libertà civili nell'Unione Europea.
vai The Peace process (en/esp)
    The site is maintained by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs and provides an overview of the Middle East Peace Process since the Madrid Conference (1991). It includes details of both the bilateral and the multilateral talks as well as diagrams to describe the structure of the negotiations. Selected reference documents are chronologically listed from the Balfour Declaration of November 1917 to the Protocol Concerning the Redeployment in Hebron in January 1997. Please refer also to the Palestine Liberation Organization.
vai  The Hague appeal for Peace campaign (en)
    The Hague Appeal for Peace campaign ("The Hague Appeal"), an international civil-society initiative dedicated to the delegitimization and abolition of war.
vai  Tavola per la Pace
    Fondata il 13 gennaio 1996 presso il Sacro Convento di S. Francesco di Assisi dai promotori della Marcia per la pace Perugia/Assisi "Noi popoli delle Nazioni Unite", la "Tavola della Pace" vuole essere innanzitutto un punto di riferimento e una sede di raccordo dei tanti fili che molti stanno seguendo nel proprio impegno per la pace. Non intende essere una nuova organizzazione ma un luogo di confronto, di verifica e di progettazione comune. Un punto di riferimento e di raccordo: uno spazio per la conoscenza, lo scambio di informazioni e lo sviluppo della collaborazione tra chi lavora per la pace e la solidarietà
vai Traduttori per la Pace
    Traduttori per la Pace è una libera associazione di traduttori di ogni paese e nazionalità. L'associazione è stata costituita dai sottoscritti promotori per diffondere, in tutte le lingue e attraverso qualsiasi canale, ogni messaggio contrario alla guerra, e in modo particolare all'utilizzo della guerra come mezzo di risoluzione delle controversie internazionali.
vai Resources for Peace - alternatives to war and violence (en)
    Links to peace sites and other resources on nonviolence and social change.
vai Unimondo
    Supersito interculturale per lo sviluppo umano sostenibile.
vai Unione forense per la tutela dei diritti dell'uomo
    L'Unione forense per la tutela dei diritti dell'uomo e' un'associazione di avvocati, magistrati e docenti universitari fondata il 2 marzo 1968, che ha lo scopo di "diffondere, in ispecie tra gli appartenenti all'ordine forense e fra gli operatori giuridici, la conoscenza delle norme interne e di carattere internazionale riguardanti la tutela dei diritti dell'uomo, e di promuoverne l'osservanza concreta ed effettiva (...)" (cfr. art 2 dello Statuto).
    L'impegno dell'associazione si manifesta attraverso l'organizzazione di tavole rotonde e convegni nazionali ed internazionali; in particolare la rivista I diritti dell'uomo - cronache e battaglie vuole essere "cronaca" quanto più possibile puntuale e fedele delle violazione, ma anche della progressiva concretizzazione dei diritti dell'uomo, e documento delle "battaglie" che in Italia e altrove vengono combattute perché quei diritti siano sempre tutelati e rispettati.
vai Vita online
    Vita non profit online, sito dell'ononimo giornale, si propone come il punto di riferimento e la voce delle organizzazioni non profit, tante realtà che si stanno impegnando e investono tempo e denaro per gli altri e che stanno collaborando per realizzare un vero non profit web.
    Tra i temi trattati: cooperazione, solidarietà, economia sociale, immigrazione, diritti umani.
    (segnalato il 16 maggio 2001)
vai Worlds apart - ethnic conflict at century's end (en)
    Presented by Enciclopaedia Britannica, Worlds Apart examines the role that ethnic rivalries have played in the Balkans, Central Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, and other areas, and explores a number of crucial questions: Are ancient hatreds really at the root of modern warfare? What other forces could be driving riots, uprisings, and crackdowns around the globe? And can anything be done to repair a society once neighbors have been pitted against each other? By investigating 12 diverse conflicts, Worlds Apart offers insights into the issues, the people involved, and the prospects for peace.
    Flash Shockwave version.
vai Znet (en)
    ZNet's Crisis sections focuses on some facet of current struggle, providing links, essays, analyses, etc. Some are modest, others are huge subsites in their own right. Our Crisis sections include: Chiapas/Zapatista, Colombia, East Timor, Global Economics, Iraq, Kosovo, Mumia, Pacifica, Peltier, Puerto Rico, and Russia.

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